Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/03/11

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Subject: [Leica] Not buying a Hummer
From: jsmith342 at (Jeffery Smith)
Date: Tue Mar 11 04:35:52 2008
References: <>

Good idea. I have heard that those Hummers break down often, and it is
a bitch to get their customer service people on the phone. One could
start believing that they have no customer service, at least in the
US. Word has it that you have to actually contact the president of
Hummer North America (or is it Hummer USA) before they will dignify
your service needs with a response.

They ought to come out with a Hummer Perpetual Edition. It would cost
thousands more, but after paying those thousands, they will return
your emails and not have their secretary say "He just stepped away
from the desk" ten times a day when you call.

The perpetual Hummer. Someone should fire a CEO for such an idea. But
if you're cash-strapped, charging thousands of dollars for the
courtesy of answering an email or phone call just seems financially

Jeffery "Shutter Fault" Smith (or is it Jeffery "Engine Fault" Smith?)

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Sonny Carter <> wrote:
> I've decided not to trade the Prius for a Hummer.
>  I want a vehicle that is recognizable , kind of like my M8 camera is.  So 
> I
>  thought maybe I'd look at the Hummer SUV.
>  It is  boxy and wide, and a rugged vehicle originally built for military
>  use.
>  These  rock-crawlers look like  tanks on the road , and that's not a flaw.
>  Well, it seems that the Prius might be somewhat more friendly to the
>  environment.  At least that's what I think after filling my ten gallon gas
>  tank, and the guy at the next pump was hitting $85 bucks as I drove away.
>  Someone will pick this apart in about three posts.  But I like my M8, and 
> I
>  really hate being in the darkroom, and I am in denial at how to file
>  negatives from 1962.
>  Good luck all you darkroom freaks. Smell your fingers and wonder why 
> people
>  shy away from you in public.. look at that plastic apron and when you see
>  what the stuff does to an inert fabric wonder what it is doing to your
>  lungs.
>  The first miracle in my life was seeing a print coming up in the 
> developer.
>  The second was seeing my  first kid hanging upside down in the OB's grasp.
>  IHow did I afford an M8?  I sold two hard-earned M7's and a couple lenses.
>  It was completely worth it.  I love this camera.
>  I'll also keep the Prius.
>  --
>  Regards,
>  Sonny
>  Natchitoches, Louisiana
>  USA
>  _______________________________________________
>  Leica Users Group.
>  See for more information

Jeffery L. Smith
New Orleans, LA

Replies: Reply from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] Not buying a Hummer)
Reply from hoppyman at (Geoff Hopkinson) ([Leica] Not buying a Hummer)
Reply from imagist3 at (Lottermoser George) ([Leica] Not buying a Hummer)
In reply to: Message from sonc.hegr at (Sonny Carter) ([Leica] Not buying a Hummer)