Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/03/11

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Subject: [Leica] Not buying a Hummer
From: octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas)
Date: Tue Mar 11 05:12:05 2008
References: <> <>

Sonny Carter wrote:

>> Good luck all you darkroom freaks.

thank you, but there is no need to be sarcastic or offensive.
Good on you with the camera which makes you happy, which gives you  
what you expect out of photography, life is so short to spend it  
ranting, preaching (soooo common, sadly) or insisting on what does not  
please us.

>> Smell your fingers and wonder why people shy away from you in  
>> public..

I don't like people, just my friends, so I don't attend a single  
social meeting I can avoid, and I do use gloves, so my fingers do not  
smell, or at the very least they do smell a whole lotta less than some  
armpits, or mouthfull people -ever present- in any meeting I've  
assisted, and most of them never had a darkroom.

I'm glad you're happy with what you have, and as far as I haven't  
followed this thread, I'm not aware if it was hot, offending, or WTF,  
in any case not the SonC I know. Well that's my fault, I should delete  
those endless subjects which tell me nothing.

See you later on the lugIRC  ( shameless plug for the always  
interesting lugirc ) ;-)

Any day above ground is a good one.

In reply to: Message from sonc.hegr at (Sonny Carter) ([Leica] Not buying a Hummer)
Message from jsmith342 at (Jeffery Smith) ([Leica] Not buying a Hummer)