Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/02/24

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Subject: [Leica] New For Leica Lens, From Another Leica Forum
From: bquinn at (Barney Quinn)
Date: Fri Feb 24 07:42:53 2006
References: <001601c638c4$7bdec3e0$656c0e44@newukolbqveo9i>

I also have the f2 Minolta M Mount lens. It's one of those things I bought 
because I bought it. It works very well. At first I was a little put off by 
fact that it didn't have bright lines in the viewfinder. I wear glasses. I 
learned that the lens saw just about what I saw full frame in the viewfinder
with my glasses on. Once I stopped worrying about it and just started 
I found that it works very well.  I took me a  while to get the hang of wide
angle lenses, which I think are Leica's strength. But, once I did I have to 
that a 50 now feels a lot like a short telephoto lens to me.


Jeffery Smith wrote:

> When the Pentax 43mm "normal" lens came out, the scuttlebutt at the time 
> was
> that 40-ish was what a "normal" lens would be, i.e., the lens that most
> closely approximates what the eye would see. That said, I wonder why there
> are so few of them. I have most of them, I think...
> 40/2 Summicron (Minolta)
> 43/1.9 Pentax
> 40/2.8 Sonnar
> 40/1.4 Nokton
> It is a comfortable focal length. I have been shooting mostly 28mm lately,
> but keep a 50 on a second camera with me. When I switch back to the 50, I
> feel like I'm using a telephoto.
> Jeffery Smith
> New Orleans, LA
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ric
> Carter
> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:08 PM
> To: Leica Users Group
> Subject: Re: [Leica] New For Leica Lens, From Another Leica Forum
> Isn't normal considered to be the diagonal of the film format? I
> think I learned that somewhere along the line. That would make normal
> for 35mm just a hair over 43.3 mm. Maybe that number being about
> halfway between 35 and 50 would explain why average view is so hard
> for us to nail down--for some it's 35 and for others 50.
> Ric Carter
> On Feb 23, 2006, at 3:44 PM, bruce wrote:
> > ................. in keeping with the years?
> >
> > B.
> >
> > On 23-feb-2006, at 21:33, GREG LORENZO wrote:
> >
> >> bruce <> writes:
> >>
> >>> Why do they always have to make 50mm lenses .................. as if
> >>> they are the most important? Why not a 10mm, with a good viewfi
> >>> ............ you don't need that ............... just use your eyes
> >>> ........... point and shoot.
> >>>
> >>> B.
> >>>
> >>
> >> 50mm on most 35mm camera systems is considered normal. So lots of
> >> good existing lens designs around. Images created with a 35mm
> >> focal lenght lens 40 years ago were called wide angle shots.
> >>
> >> Lately 40mm seems to be more the norm.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >>
> >> Greg
> >>
> >>
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> >
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Barney Quinn, Jr.
(301) 688-1982 (O)
(240) 535-3036 (C)
(877) 220-0981 (P)

In reply to: Message from jsmith342 at (Jeffery Smith) ([Leica] New For Leica Lens, From Another Leica Forum)