Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/02/04

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Subject: [Leica] Re: DMR mk II ?
From: at (Douglas Sharp)
Date: Sat Feb 4 10:42:17 2006
References: <> <>

F?lix L?pez de Maturana wrote:

>> I know it is hopeless to convince most typical Canon owners, they are 
>> loyal to their brand (after all, who want to admit he has spent
>> a lot of money for an inferior product?)
> Exactly my thoughts about DMR buyers.
> Felix

DMR owners have suffered enough Felix,
they waited so long, and then even have to pay 4 times the price of a 
Canon DSLR to get a piece of equipment with which they can't take any 
pictures without buying a film camera that also costs 3 times as much as 
a Canon DSLR.
But, during this time I (and many others) have been making perfectly 
satisfactory pictures with Leica glass (and Zeiss) with a camera already 
based on a few years of DSLR experience.
Interesting that my initials, DMS, next to photos on the web have been 
read in more than one case as DMR and people have said (more or less) 
"Wow isn't the DMR great!"  (I had to smile in one case, it was taken 
with Canon 20D and a Tokina lens).

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Replies: Reply from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Re: DMR mk II ?)
In reply to: Message from FELIXMATURANA at (Félix López de Maturana) ([Leica] Re: DMR mk II ?)