Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/05/19

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Subject: [Leica] Documentary Photography Book Review
From: grduprey at (
Date: Wed May 19 08:59:31 2004

What do you expect from a Boston publication? ;-)

|         |           "Phong" <>                 |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |                                                        |
|         |                                                        |
|         |           05/19/2004 07:10 AM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
|         |                                                        |
  |                                                                                         |
  |       To:       "Leica Users Group" <>                               |
  |       cc:                                                                               |
  |       Subject:  RE: [Leica] Documentary Photography Book Review                         |

B. D. Colen wrote:
> And btw - I would recommend to anyone looking for any trends in the
> current election ruckus the Boston Glove OpEd this a.m. written by none
> other than the CEO of John Hancock Financial Services...If this doesn't
> send subzero chills down Karl Rove's spine, he is not the genius he's
> made out to be. ;-)

I tried to look up for the piece you mentioned on the on-line version
(, but couldn't find the article.  But I was dismayed
to find editorial mispelled in 2 different places (edittorial, with 2 t's).

- Phong

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