Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/01/17

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Subject: Re: [Leica] R8 or Autofocus?
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 17:34:19 -0500 (GMT+5)

At 08:55 p.m. 17/01/01 +0100, you wrote:
>On 17-01-2001 13:48, Rick Floyd wrote:
>> On one hand, I think with practice an R8
>>can do anything an auto-focus camera can do.  On the other hand, I "imagine"
>>a Canon EOS 1v or Nikon F5 can do it easier. 

I have been thinking about the same for a while, I want to shoot moving
subjects (in a close range, that means 1 to 3 m) in low (not dark) light
condition (no flash), and hand held . By now I use M6 + 24/2,8 + noctilux
(and had a R8 + 85/1,4, I traded it for 6x6 stuff). Based on what I use (M6
and R8 before) I can say about 2 techniques:

I can use hyperfocal distance technique to shoot fast, but that means:

1- Small aperture,
2- Wide angle lens (depth of field) 
3- May be necesary to use slow shutter speed (not a big problem with a wide
4- I will need a constant light source (using the light meter slows me down
in the case of the M6)
5- I need to be really close to the subject.

Prefocusing is ok, but if your subject moves that means:

1- Running after the subject.
2- I Can use longer lenses but have little depth of field.
3- I need the faster shutter speed I can use, remember you are moving, that
means the  lens as open as It can be.
4- I will need a constant light source (using the light meter slows me down
in the case of the M6)

Based on the experience of using the Leicas, I know I can get some really
good pics, but if I want to get the quality a Leica Lens can give, I will
need tripod, slow film and (depending on the lens) may be f/8, and that is
not what moving subjects allow me to do. So I think a 1v + Some good L lens
will make the life easier and will allow me to get pics I canĀ“t using other
technique. As for the lens quality, I think for this type of pics the
difference I can see has to do with "bokhe" (sp ?), warm or cold tones, but
not with resolution. 

My one cent.

Jorge Saravia.