Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/11/23

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Subject: Re: [Leica] no takers on the mini LUG site?
From: Eric Welch <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 18:15:20 -0600

> Eric, as someone affiliated with a newspaper, gains certain allowances
>unless, of course, it's bad news then they'll try to stop him. At least
>those are my experiences.

You are right. Always ask permission before taking pictures in front of a
mall security guard. But if you tell them you're just an amateur, they
shouldn't have much of a problem with it. It's us pros they usually don't
like to see around except when they want the exposure.

But on the other hand, there are lots of other places to find Christmas
pictures. Like church pageants (remember the movie where the kid wants a BB
gun? - "You'll shoot your eye out!) or a craft store where homemade crafts
are. Or at a school where you kids go. Whatever, there are thousands of
places to go. The book "Christmas in America" by the folks who did the "Day
in the Life..." series would be a good idea book to check out.

Or we could pick some other topic. It was just an idea tied to the season.

(Christmas lights at night with Leica lenses and slow neg film on a tripod
can be quite nice).
- -- 

Eric Welch
St. Joseph, MO

 The Devil whispered behind the leaves, It's pretty, but is it Art?   -
Rudyard Kipling