Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2024/08/05

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Subject: [Leica] My weekly contribution
From: leica_r8 at (Aram Langhans)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 18:29:11 -0700
References: <>

Hi Lluis.? These are all nice, but the last one does not do it for me.? 
The rest are wonderful.? The old man on the? bench is perhaps my 
favorite.? You caught him perfectly and framed him beautifully.? But 
perhaps I should not be calling him him an old man as he is probably 
close to my age.

I think the other one that deserves to be mentioned is Into the Shadows 
and Light.? As you know I am a sucker for shadows and this one is really 
nice with the angles and lines.? That would look really good in a large 

I have really fallen behind teaching my summer class, but it is almost 
over so I will play catch-up.


On 7/29/2024 3:46:02, Lluis Ripoll wrote:
> In a crowded Subway I caych this nice look
> <>
> Leica IIIF Elmsr 5cm f3,5, Ilford HP5, ID-11 1:1
> Into the shadows and light
> <>
> Leica M3, Summicron 50 Collaps., Tri-X
> Pic-Nic in the City
> <>
> Leica IIIF, Elmar 5cm f3,5, Rollei Superpan 200, HC-110, Dilution B 1:31
> Looking somewhere
> <>
> Leica M9, Noctilux 50mm 1:0
> Looking somewhere too
> <>
> Leica MP Tri-X
> His toy
> <>
> Leica M9, Noctilux 50mm 1:0
> Going rush
> <>
> Leica IIIF Elmsr 5cm f3,5, Tri-X, ID-11 1:1
> Thanks foor looking, your c&v are welcome
> Saludos comerciales
> Lluis
Aram Langhans
(Semi) Retired Science Teacher
& Unemployed photographer
?The Human Genome Project has proved Darwin more right than Darwin himself 
would ever have dared dream.?
    James D. Watson

In reply to: Message from lluisripollphotography at (Lluis Ripoll) ([Leica] My weekly contribution)