Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2024/05/23

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Subject: [Leica] [Leica} Tina's Drobos... Update
From: bmwred735i at (Frank Filippone)
Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 22:39:25 -1000
References: <> <> <> <>

The first 9TB or so is copied.

Only another 30TB to go.... all on the other Drobo....

1 to 2 weeks if we are lucky... 24/7

Installation went with a modicum of issues, mostly because I am not really 
an IT guy.... but the Tech Support at Synology was top notch and helped me 
through it.... This box, an 8 bay model, is no harder to install than a 
32bay but it as a long time ago, it was not remotely done, and it was not my 
computer i was working on.... SO it took a while to get it right.

Having said that, there is a wire running down the middle of Tina's 
office... which I am terribly worried about the risk of tripping.... so that 
be the next big effort... get rid of the wire.....I will use an Access Point 
router and re-connect her computer to the internet to be LAN rather than 
WIFI.?? I got time....

One note to other brave folk who try this on their own.... You can copy from 
at least two of the USB ports at the same time.

It works and I got the impression it did not slow down the Drobo copy when I 
connected up a Desktop Seagate USB HDD.

This trick effectively doubled the copy speed.... 2 copy sources at the same 

Frank Filippone

BMWRed735i at

On 5/21/2024 8:08 PM, Frank Filippone wrote:
> The new NAS is installed and working.? The balance of the work is to 
> transfer the files.
> From Drobo to Synology directly will take some time.... Right now, it is 
> transferring at the rate of around 2TB per 12 hours....
> Tina has almost 38TB to transfer.... If I could speed it up I would, but 
> for now, that is it.
> Only another 10 days... of CONSTANT 24/7 data transfer.
> Which means I will be lucky to be done in 2-3 weeks.? Well, if I do not 
> mess up....
> These are being copied.... using the NAS to do all the work,
> And then I will optimize her entire system for speedier and more efficient 
> operation.
> Frank Filippone
> BMWRed735i at

Replies: Reply from photo at (Nathan Wajsman) ([Leica] [Leica} Tina's Drobos... Update)
In reply to: Message from abridge at (Adam Bridge) ([Leica] [Leica} Drobos... If you have them what can you expect?)
Message from tmanley at (Tina Manley) ([Leica] [Leica} Drobos... If you have them what can you expect?)
Message from bmwred735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] [Leica} Drobos... If you have them what can you expect?)
Message from bmwred735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] [Leica} Tina's Drobos...)