Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2023/11/27

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Subject: [Leica] Help? Lightroom refusing to import
From: sonc.hegr at (Sonny Carter)
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 19:35:04 -0600
References: <>

If he used a late appearing camera like a Sony A7cr or the new Nikon, Adobe
hasn't yet supplied the stuff to make them work in lightroom.  Lots of
complaints about that.

On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 7:24?PM Brian Reid <reid at>

> We hired a professional to photograph my mother's funeral service.
> We paid him very well, and got ownership rights of the images. He
> delivered about 100 images.
> Lightroom refuses to import them. It just sits there.
> I made a new test catalog, and tried importing one image. Same thing. It
> hangs.
> Photoshop will open them.
> Topaz will open them.
> Apple Preview will open them.
> Bridge will open and manipulate them.
> Apple's "Photos" app will import them.
> Lightroom refuses to touch them.
> Is there some kind of a Digital Rights Management flag you can put on an
> image file that will make it impossible to load into Lightroom?
> Lightroom Classic 13.0.1 Release.
> I have searched carefully, in Bridge, for metadata that might express an
> opinion to Lightroom, but haven't found anything.
> Does anybody know what might be going on?
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