Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2021/06/08

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Subject: [Leica] Major breakthrough on GPS Tracking!!! Simple and Cheap!
From: bmwred735i at (Frank Filippone)
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2021 08:19:28 -1000

I just tested out a $15 GPS tracker gadget.? It works, simply and does what 
I wanted it to do.... It tracks without a bunch of other options.

I wish to GEO Tag my photos.... well, in reality I just want to remember 
where I took them.....

Basically you power the thing up by using the car cigar lighter or lithium 
back up battery thing, and it records position on an internal memory.

Place some SW on your computer, Set the parameters you wish.... how often to 
take a reading, etc and then by hitting a few buttons on the SW, you 
download the positions to your computer.

Then hit another button on the SW and yo are in Google Earth, and you 
travels are shown to you on a map.

LR allows you to combine this data plus the images to GPS mark each 

And that is what I wish to do!

For those wishing to see for themselves the marvels this gadget does:

Frank Filippone
BMWRed735i at