Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2019/09/03

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Subject: [Leica] Announcement: LUG Yearbook
From: lluisripollphotography at (Lluis Ripoll)
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2019 22:33:31 +0200
References: <>

Thank you very much Brian once more for all you are doing for us, is a great 


> El 3 set 2019, a les 4:11, Brian Reid <reid at> va 
> escriure:
> I will produce the next LUG yearbook.
> The due date will not be December 31. In the USA where I live there is a 
> century-old tradition of an April deadline for the previous year's tax 
> paperwork. So, borrowing from that tradition, the deadline for submitting 
> photos for the 2019 yearbook will be 13 February 2020. I will publish the 
> full set of instructions soon, and announce it weekly.
> I don't have as much publising skill as Jim Shulman or an artist's eye 
> like Richard Man, but I know how to do it and I will have time on my hands.
> _______________________________________________
> Leica Users Group.
> See for more information

In reply to: Message from reid at (Brian Reid) ([Leica] Announcement: LUG Yearbook)