Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2018/06/20

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Subject: [Leica] Developing E-4 Ektachrome at home
From: hlritter at (Howard L Ritter Jr)
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2018 11:43:29 -0400
References: <> <MMXP12301MB15020C6CD0350D6B4949577BF9770@MMXP12301MB1502.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>

I?ve read that E-4 and E-6 processes are very different, and that E-4 film 
will be ruined by E-6 processing. For one thing, E-4 film needs a 
pre-hardening step that E-6 doesn?t employ, to keep the emulsion from 
detaching from the film base. I think this might be the main obstruction to 
home processing.

It?s been surprisingly unfruitful to google this topic.


> On Jun 20, 2018, at 07:48, John McMaster <john at> wrote:
> AFAIR, E4 was lower temperature than E6 - many decades since I shot Kodak 
> colour IR ;-)
> john
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LUG [ at] On 
> Behalf Of Montie via LUG
> Sent: 20 June 2018 08:23
> To: lug at
> Cc: Montie
> Subject: Re: [Leica] Developing E-4 Ektachrome at home
> If it were me, I'd be shopping around for a single shot E-6 kit 
> (Formulary, B&H, etc.) There may be some still around. I'm thinkin E-4 
> film will render a usable image (if properly exposed) processed in E-6.
> Could be wrong, again, it's been decades...But something to check on. ;-/
> Montie
>>> Does anyone know anything about home processing of E-4 Ektachrome as a 
>>> B&W negative?
> My brother just came across Dad?s old View-Master stereo camera, opened 
> the back, and discovered that it had a partially exposed roll of film in 
> it. He sent the camera to me and I figured out how to rewind the film. 
> (Thank you, Mike Butkus at Orphan Cameras, 
> <>) When I took it out, I found that it?s process E-4 
> Ektachrome, which I was told was marketed from 1963-74. I suspect the film 
> was shot toward the early part of that period. I?d like to see what images 
> of me and my sibs might be on it.
> It can be processed at some expense by several commercial labs, but 
> they?ll develop it as a B&W negative. I?d think this could be done at 
> home, since it?s the color and the reversal that take the exotic chemicals 
> and the technique, correct? I know there?s a caveat about the need for 
> hardening of the emulsion of E-4 film prior to processing, so this might 
> make it impossible to do at home.
> Any instructions, experiences, or guidance appreciated.
> BTW, I?m running a roll of Ilford Delta 100, the highest ASA the camera is 
> calibrated for ? and it goes down to ASA 4, for original Kodachrome! ? 
> through it now. It might yield some interesting images for those who can 
> fuse stereo pairs by staring at them onscreen. If so, I?ll post them.
> (This camera has an innovative system with linked ASA, shutter speed, and 
> aperture dials, calibrated for subject brightness and for illumination 
> level ? and even for summer or winter! ? obviating the need for a light 
> meter. As I recall, it was quite effective even with the slide film that 
> it had to use. It had fixed-focus lenses and a viewfinder that 
> incorporated a spirit level below the field of view, as leveling is 
> critical for a stereo camera. A flash attachment with its own built-in 
> split-image rangefinder for determining the correct aperture setting was 
> available. Because the stereo effect was more pronounced the closer the 
> subject, two degrees of close-up lenses were available, going down to 20". 
> Conceptually and mechanically, it?s a fascinating camera and system.)
> ?howard
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Replies: Reply from don.dory at (Don Dory) ([Leica] Developing E-4 Ektachrome at home)
Reply from john at (John McMaster) ([Leica] Developing E-4 Ektachrome at home)
In reply to: Message from montoid at (Montie) ([Leica] Developing E-4 Ektachrome at home)
Message from john at (John McMaster) ([Leica] Developing E-4 Ektachrome at home)