Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2017/10/18

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Subject: [Leica] Fwd: lightroom
From: red735i at (Frank Filippone)
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 01:59:35 -0400

The standalone version of LR Will not be supported after Dec 31. No more 
revisions, enhancements, added cameras, etc after that date. 
Adobe is making so much money from the subscription service, the additional 
income from the perpetual versions are no longer worth it. Or so it appears. 
They now own us. You either pay your monthly fee or your images are 
basically as you took them. Your enhancements, crops, etc are no longer of 
any use. You would need to do them over again with some other SW. 
If you have not figured it out yet, do not trust any promises from Adobe. 
Frank Filippone 
Red735i at

Replies: Reply from abridge at (Adam Bridge) ([Leica] Fwd: lightroom)
Reply from jayanand at (Jayanand Govindaraj) ([Leica] Fwd: lightroom)