Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2016/06/26

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Subject: [Leica] An unpopular Lugger view of Brexit
From: lrzeitlin at (lrzeitlin at
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2016 09:57:31 -0400

It is difficult for an American to appreciate the disdain that many older 
brits hold toward Westminster. Particularly if they do not live in or near 
London. Much of the chagrin of the elite stems from the realization that the 
lower classes did not believe their economic betters and didn't vote as they 
were told. The break in social tradition mirrors the fracturing of the class 
structure that occurred after WW1. To get a feeling for what really happened 
talk to the cabbie not to the investor. The young people who voted to remain 
will have the opportunity to live in a more democratic Britain. It is scary 
but only the future will tell what they make of it.

By the way, according to the approximate ages reveled in Lug posts, most of 
us, and indeed, most Leica owners, will be dead before the full consequences 
of Brexit become manifest.

Larry Z

Replies: Reply from imra at (Douglas Barry) ([Leica] An unpopular Lugger view of Brexit)