Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2014/07/20

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Subject: [Leica] Was Mikado outrage now seƱoritas
From: hopsternew at (Geoff Hopkinson)
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 08:50:27 +1000

Larry, my protest is about people imposing their own opinions on others and
Each of us speaks for themselves only.
Models I work with call me 'tog,  hun, lovely, sweetie, gorgeous and the
like. I have great, friendly professional relationships with all of them.

You don't mean seniorita though. You meant to type se?orita I think.
Seniorita a bit of clever word play for an older unmarried woman though
maybe ;-)
How did the discussion about some people disliking the Mikado get to be you
bringing up se?oritas?  No-one but you is saying, broad, skirt, crumpet,
spic in this discussion either.
Lluis is Catalan by the way, not Spanish. That is good manners. The Catalan
people in general are proud of their history and seeking independence too.


On 21 July 2014 08:19, Larry Zeitlin via LUG <lug at> wrote:

> Lighten up Geoff.
> You must have forgotten the LUG comments of a few years ago when just
> about every nubile female, and some not so nubile, was referred to as a
> seniorita by Luggers without a trace of Spanish blood. It was both
> diminishing and demeaning. English speakers should refer to women as
> "women" not as broads, skirts, crumpets, or other less printable terms. If
> Lluis want to call a woman a senorita when writing in Spanish, that is his
> right but no more your or my right than speaking of him as a Spic. You may
> call it politically correct but I call it good manners. You wouldn't call
> all those lovely women you photograph "senioritas" would you?
> Interestingly I like the Mikado, Trial by Jury, Ruddigore, and the Pirates
> of Penzance. I don't even hate the English for screwing up the Middle East
> after WW1. And I make it a point to watch Crocodile Dundee and Road Warrior
> on TV to get a real understanding of Australia today.
> Larry Z
> - - - -
> On 20 July 2014 22:16, Larry Zeitlin via LUG <lug at>
> wrote:
> Richard writes:
> the play(Mikado) is not
> being held in high esteem in the Chinese/Japanese communities.
> - - -
> Well at least few on the LUG now refer to women as "senoritas." That is
> BOTH racist and sexist.
> Larry Z
> On 20 Jul 2014, at 15:07, Geoff Hopkinson <hopsternew at> wrote:
> In your opinion you mean Larry? Do you speak for the people in Spain or
> Catalonia or Spanish speaking countries and presume to know what it means
> to them or are you viewing through the prism of what you think that some
> of
> the US population considers it means or how you use it?
> I just don't get this whole intolerance and sensitivity thing personally.
> I always thought of Gilbert and Sullivan as light opera with English
> style
> from the time. I have enjoyed it while being by no means an expert.
> Shall
> we also condemn everything that doesn't fit the current era and political
> correctness perhaps?
> Cheers
> Geoff
> On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Nathan Wajsman <photo at>
> wrote:
> This, unfortunately, is the Zeitgeist, yes. Rather than doing something
> about society's real problems, the upper classes engage in feel-good PC
> exercises, such as this, or making a football team change its name, etc.
> Cheers,
> Nathan
> On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 11:30 PM, H&ECummer <cummer at> 
> wrote:
> Peter,
> I think your letter strikes exactly the right tone.
> Very well done!
> Howard
> (whose Chinese nickname is Da Hu Dz - Big Beard - no stereotypes there:-))
> Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 13:30:53 -0700
> From: Peter Klein <pklein at>
> To: lug <lug at>
> Subject: Re: [Leica] IMG: Protesting "The Mikado"
> I'm don't want to get into a debate here. Frankly, after following the
> Internet sh*tstorm around this all week, I'm tired.  :-)  Here's my POV,
> and then y'all can discuss whatever you like.
> Here's the article that started it:
> <
> mikadosharonpianchancolumn14xml.html
> Here's what I posted on the Seattle Times' comments to Ms. Chan's
> article. It's the middle of the three featured comments:
> <
> 188372882
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