Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2013/01/02

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Subject: [Leica] a "pro-hobbyist" evaluates an M9 . . . ICK
From: rgacpa at (Bob Adler)
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 20:39:38 -0800
References: <>

Mules (like Ansel) or alpacas!

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 2, 2013, at 8:38 PM, Mark Rabiner <mark at> wrote:

> As far as schlepping goes they have bags with wheels now I bet next there
> there will be bags with balloons.
> On 1/2/13 9:14 PM, "Bob Adler" <rgacpa at> wrote:
>> For about $17,000, you can have an Alpa and 22MP (full frame) back and 
>> 70mm
>> Rodenstock lens with 5deg of tilt. It would weigh about 6.5lbs with
>> batteries. The camera would allow for back shift (horizontal) giving you
>> coverage of a 37mm lens in 35mm format.
>> M9 approx. 6k
>> 35 'lux approx 4k
>> Another 'lux lens approx 4k
>> Weight maybe 3-4lbs with batteries.
>> For those who don't hike horse-killing trails (where every gram counts),
>> but go on 5-10 mile hikes, it's pretty darn light, sharp as a tack, and 3
>> shots for stitching at 22MP each, using 9micron pixel sights. Price wise
>> about the same as an M9 with 3 lenses (or less).
>> The hard part is finding a Leaf or Phase 22MP back that someone wants to
>> part with!
>> No street shooter but a heck of a landscaper's kit...
>> Best,
>> Bob
>> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Paul Roark <roark.paul at> 
>> wrote:
>>> Bill Pearce <billcpearce at> wrote:
>>>> I schlepped my hasselblad and a couple of lenses around Colorado once,
>>> and
>>>> it wasn't a problem. ...
>>> The Rollei SL66 is built like a tank; the tilt mechanism is probably
>>> part of what adds weight over the Hasselblad.  So, when I went to a
>>> TLR and could have an entire outfit, tripod included, that weighed in
>>> at 5 lb., that made a believer out of me in terms of what I wanted to
>>> carry and what image quality I could get from such an outfit.  The
>>> Bronica RF 645 took over from the Rollei TLR because of the wide angle
>>> and ability to hold Tech Pan flat.  (My stash of frozen Tech Pan 120
>>> is going to go on eBay soon.)  The Canon 5D2 convinced me that full
>>> frame digital could do what I needed, but the Canon outfit was too
>>> heavy, and their wide angles really are not top notch (the 24 Tilt
>>> Shift is special, however).  The M9 simply did a better job for less
>>> weight.
>>> As an aside, let me describe Sheppard Pass, the last trip for the full
>>> SL66 outfit.  It starts in Owens Valley at 5000 ft.  On the way up to
>>> the 12000 foot pass, there was a dead horse on the trail when I did
>>> the trip.  On the other side, at the Muir Trail, the Sheppard Pass
>>> trail is marked with the skull of a horse.  It is literally a killer.
>>> Paul
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Leica Users Group.
>>> See for more information
> -- 
> Mark William Rabiner
> Photography
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> Leica Users Group.
> See for more information

Replies: Reply from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] a "pro-hobbyist" evaluates an M9 . . . ICK)
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