Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/11/23

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Subject: [Leica] Thanksgiving pie
From: leica_r8 at (Aram Langhans)
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 08:10:05 -0800

A new recipe for apple pie.  Carmel apple with cranberries and cherries.  So 
many tastes, the first bite is trying to sort out if it is good or not.  All 
subsequent bites are pure joy.

If you are hungry, view large...

50 cron on Nikon D7000.

Comments welcome.

Aram Langhans
(Semi) Retired (retarded?) Science Teacher
& Unemployed photographer
"The Human Genome Project has proved Darwin more right than Darwin himself 
would ever have dared dream."   James D. Watson 

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