Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/11/02

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Subject: [Leica] Leica Store, DC
From: csemetko at (Craig Semetko)
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 17:04:35 -0600
References: <>

Hello Everybody,

So I got hit by a suicidal deer Tuesday night going 80 mph on I-94 near 
Richardton, North Dakota. I am okay, though the same cannot be said for the 
deer or my vehicle. I do not recommend this experience for any number of 
reasons. The main one being it has caused me to still be in North Dakota. I 
am renting a cherry red Prius. Yes, I'm driving a cheery red Prius in North 
Dakota. Why? Because it was the cheapest car available, as no 
self-respecting North Dakotan would be caught dead in it. I'm also stuck in 
a Quality Inn at $120 a night that is worth about $50.

All of this is a long winded way of saying please contribute to the 
kickstarter campaign for my America project. ANY sized pledge is helpful and 
very much appreciated. Particularly now, as I don't yet know if my vehicle 
will be totaled, and I've got to rent another car to get to Chicago. There 
are rewards starting as low as $10. Don't be shy!

Twelve of the prints from the project are appearing in my exhibition at the 
Leica Store in Washington, D.C. Opening night is November 15th--hope to see 
you there. Heck, I hope I'M there!

Thanks gang, take care, and don't drive at night in North Dakota in rutting 


Replies: Reply from chris at (Chris Crawford) ([Leica] Leica Store, DC)
Reply from zoeica at (Chris Williams) ([Leica] Leica Store, DC)
Reply from robertbaron1 at (Robert Baron) ([Leica] Leica Store, DC)