Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2010/05/23

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Subject: [Leica] IMG: Sunday Spirits
From: bjq1 at (Barney Quinn)
Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 21:30:10 -0400

I couldn't resist this one, not that I tried all that hard. Today is  
Pentecost. fifty days After Easter. This is the day when Christians  
in the Western Church celebrate God causing the Holy Spirit to  
descend on the Apostles and the followers of Christ. (The Eastern  
church does too, but their calendar is slightly different from ours.)  
I go to St. Luke's  in Bethesda. It is our tradition for members of  
our community to bring wine to be used for communion during the  
coming year. We're Episcopalians. We fire live ammunition (as it  
were) during communion. The Pastor of the Methodist church across the  
street sometimes joins us for worship at our early service. She got  
into the spirit of things and came over with a very nice bottle of  
grape juice for us. We had a lot of fun. The jokes and puns (I'll  
spare you!) poured forth.

Comments and criticisms welcome.


Replies: Reply from jhnichols at (Jim Nichols) ([Leica] IMG: Sunday Spirits)