Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/07/14

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Subject: [Leica] The Leica M8.2 Experience
From: john.o.newell at (J. Newell)
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 17:21:39 +0000 (UTC)

A few things. 

In my opinion, you can't separate consideration of the tool from 
consideration of the product.? Whether the M8 or the M8.2 is or isn't the 
ideal manifestation of a digital M rangefinder is not, to me, the only 
question.? How does it fare in comparison to its most direct competition, 
the film M bodies, in terms of the cost, quality and efficiency ("workflow") 
of the pictures?? 

I think the author touched on a very real and unfortunate point when he 
hints that if Leica had managed the introduction a little better - ironed 
out a few kinks, been more candid about issues like the IR sensitivity, the 
reception would have been entirely different.? Instead of waves of instant 
internet furor there might have been a warm and widespread embrace.? File 
that under "oh, well..." (or, perhaps, "lessons not learned"?). 

The sound issue seems to me to depend a lot on how you frame the question.? 
Are you comparing the total sound of the shutter or the sound of the shutter 
release?? Upgrade the firmware and enable discrete mode.? The M8 shutter 
release alone is certainly different both qualitatively and quantitatively 
from an old horizontal rubber focal plane shutter, but it's not bad.? In my 
opinion, the noise of the motor winder is the obnoxious part, and discrete 
mode can separate that from the shutter release even if it can't reduce or 
eliminate the second noise. 

All things considered, based on my limited use, a remarkable camera that has 
benefited from some really solid improvements in firmware since its earlier 

John Newell

Replies: Reply from imagist3 at (George Lottermoser) ([Leica] The Leica M8.2 Experience)
In reply to: Message from r.s.taylor at (Richard Taylor) ([Leica] The Leica M8.2 Experience)