Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/02/18

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Subject: [Leica] New Leica 18mm and a Flash Question!
From: grdalton at (Gary Dalton)
Date: Wed Feb 18 09:55:18 2009
References: <> <>

> I remember back when a lot of companies made compact flashes that worked
> well. I still have a couple that feel like they were designed for an M. 

>From a soon-to-be 61-year-old novice Leica user...

Would you or anyone else mind naming some of the older compact flashes?

I imagine vintage camera use is one thing; vintage flash use is probably 
something else.

Does anyone shoot with bulb-based units, such as a Honeywell "Tilt-a-Mite" 
or others?

(I mean, if there are fountain pen users in the group, I'm guessing there 
might be a "bulb-ist.")

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Replies: Reply from drodgers at (David Rodgers) ([Leica] New Leica 18mm and a Flash Question!)
In reply to: Message from len-001 at (Leonard Taupier) ([Leica] New Leica 18mm and a Flash!)
Message from drodgers at (David Rodgers) ([Leica] New Leica 18mm and a Flash!)