Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/02/26

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Subject: [Leica] Wow, are the Mamiya as cool as the HASSELblad?
From: octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas)
Date: Tue Feb 26 03:50:37 2008
References: <> <> <>

On 26/02/2008, at 11:58, Richard Man wrote:

> I heard somewhere (if it's on the Intraweb, it must be true) that  
> Hasselbald is only really famous in US due to their ad campaigns and  
> over the other side of the pond, the Europeans prefer other brands.  
> How true is that?

We didn't had a figure so influent like AA using Hasselblads, also we  
didn't sent dudes to the moon to fiddle with gloves, helmets and  
hassies... :)
Hasselblad is a famous brand, well respected, but bronica, mamiya and  
rollei here are also quite popular, and they goes (or gone in its  
time) for less money, in the case of rollei, with the same lenses.

In reply to: Message from richard-lists at (Richard Man) ([Leica] Wow, are the Mamiya as cool as the HASSELbald?)
Message from leica at (Didier Ludwig) ([Leica] Wow, are the Mamiya as cool as the HASSELbald?)
Message from richard-lists at (Richard Man) ([Leica] Wow, are the Mamiya as cool as the HASSELblad?)