Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/01/31

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Subject: [Leica] Shutter speeds --o.k., the rules
From: walt at (Walt Johnson)
Date: Thu Jan 31 05:37:51 2008
References: <> <0JVH007DABXLQHF0@l-daemon> <> <> <>


Rules...Breath...Relax...Aim...Slack...Squeeze...Oops, that's from my 
shooting days. It does  works well with cameras as well as M-14s. 
though. I certainly  agree , slow can be very iffy   That might be one 
reason there are more throw aways than keepers. The E330 looks as if it 
is quite capable. If I ever do move into the "modern era" Olympus will 
be my choice. Don't guess they take M lenses?  I noticed the quality of 
the young lady's image seem pretty good for 1600 iso. All the tri-x shot 
like that adds a lot of "texture" (grain) After a while I think many of 
us gave up on getting rid of it and just claimed to be realists. 
Something else, my first car was a 56 VW....30 some miles to the gallon 
and I still managed to run out constantly. Why didn't they put that 
handle somewhere we could remember it? :-)

Gary Todoroff wrote:
> Not saying it's impossible to get the shot at slow speed, Walt, just a 
> lot less likely. One of the advantages of digital in low light -- you 
> can shoot a lot of extra shots quickly and at no extra expense, 
> knowing that one of them will probably be fairly sharp. The portrait I 
> took at 180mm (90mm Summicron-R) equivalent at:
> was the only one out of seven or eight that came out sharp. The blurry 
> ones definitely would not have worked at all.
> The slow shutter speed contest sounds fun - I'll have to brush up on 
> my target shooting technique! Rules?
> Gary Todoroff

Replies: Reply from philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD) ([Leica] Shutter speeds --o.k., the rules - and gas -Walt)
In reply to: Message from abridge at (Adam Bridge) ([Leica] Leica Announcement (?) - No M9 this year; M8 Upgrade)
Message from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Leica Announcement (?) - No M9 this year; M8 Upgrade)
Message from datamaster at (Gary Todoroff) ([Leica] Shutter speeds -- Leica Announcement (?) - No M9 this year; M8 Upgrade)
Message from walt at (Walt Johnson) ([Leica] Shutter speeds -- Leica Announcement (?) - No M9 this year; M8 Upgrade)
Message from datamaster at (Gary Todoroff) ([Leica] Shutter speeds --)