Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/01/21

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Subject: [Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far
From: bd at (B. D. Colen)
Date: Mon Jan 21 06:50:34 2008

A few points about the new Oly - which I have tried but do not own:
Amazing IS in the body - I have an image I'd be happy to send to anyone
off-list, shot with a humongous 2.8 zoom, at 440 mm, hand-held at 1.30th of
a second.
The autofocus is the fastest, most accurate I've encountered.
The viewfinder is large and bright - R8? Of course not, nothing is. But
plenty large and bright for manual focus.
The build is, but with moisture and dust seals.
The "live-view" is great for macro and landscape shots, but too slow for
shooting moving subjects - except - because the live-view swivels, if you
need grab shots over your head, close to the ground, etc., it's good for
that. And the LCD turns around, as it does on the RD1, and can thus be
Noise levels are low, and what noise there is is grain-like - 800 iso is
probably equivalent to 400 iso film. 1600 is pretty close to film at that

In terms of shooting speed, it turns out raw images at 5 fps - which is
plenty fast for anything but sports sequences.

All in all, it's a definite pro-quality contender for anyone who isn't
already invested in another system.

On 1/21/08 1:51 AM, "Luis Miguel Casta?eda Navas" <> wrote:

> On 21/01/2008, at 7:30, Richard Man wrote:
>> The Nikon D300 and the Oly E-3 are so close in running for me
> I'd go with the oly if I had nothing to do into action photography.
> High ISOS are the hype thing of the moment, a true cool feature,
> indeed, but as many of you, in the end the vast majority of pictures
> are fine at 100-400 range.
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Replies: Reply from jayanand at (Jayanand Govindaraj) ([Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far)
In reply to: Message from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] OT: Nikon D300 impressions so far)