Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/07/20

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Subject: [Leica] Re: Olympus vs. Leica
From: mark at (Mark Rabiner)
Date: Fri Jul 20 22:19:51 2007

On 7/21/07 12:45 AM, "G Hopkinson" <> typed:

> Mark, if there are the same number of usable pixels then the resolution is 
> the
> same. But when you pack the same number of little
> photo bucket thingies into a smaller area, then they need to be smaller, 
> which
> tends to make for more signal noise. But there is a
> great deal of processing going on after those little buckets fill up with
> photons. Various camera /sensor makers have different
> approaches on how much processing is going on. He who has the best 
> algorithms
> wins!
> It ain't the size, it's what you do with it.
> Four thirds does have a noble sentiment that the mount is standardised, 
> like
> the old K mount 35mm Pentaxes and even their earlier
> thread mount. 
> Still totally with you on the idea of a compact body with compact fast 
> prime
> fitted. Also that the proof of the pudding is in the
> printing. You can download sample pics from DPReview, for example if you 
> wish
> to run printing tests.
> Anyhoo, I'm looking forward to seeing some pics from your Leica D40X
> Cheers
> Hoppy 

Yes but those pixels come from smaller closer together pixel grabbers.
Neither a good thing.

You want big fat pixel grabbers with nice spaces in between.
I know this for a fact because I read it on the internet.

I saw a 13x19 matt fine art print from the Epson stand at Photokina from a
Hassy digital back black and white matt paper I thought I was wearing 3d
glasses it jumped right off the page and clobbered me in the face breaking
my nose mustache glasses configuration I sometimes wear as a disguise.
Larger format is larger format - film or dig.
Location location
Acreage acreage
Time to buy the ranch!

I saw large prints from 4/3's format at Tamarkin. They were soft.
Impressive because they were big. 17x22 at least.
But soft. I didn't need a larger format print to put next to it to know
Others were impressed though.
Impressed that someone would borrow a camera and make prints to see if it
was any good and then bring them into the store and leave them there. That
had never happened there before the guy said.
I was!

If you stood back far enough they looked ok. Like past the proper "viewing
distance". Like across the room.
Far far away. Hum a few bars I'll try to pick it out.

Mark William Rabiner
Harlem, NY

In reply to: Message from hoppyman at (G Hopkinson) ([Leica] Re: Olympus vs. Leica)