Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/06/05

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Subject: [Leica] My darkroom bonanza!
From: mark at (Mark Rabiner)
Date: Tue Jun 5 14:52:54 2007

On 6/5/07 5:12 PM, "Ric Carter" <> typed:

> Much the way I got my D3 30+ years ago -- an avid amateur whose
> health was bad. I did have to pay a modest price for lots of large
> format stuff. It supported many a print in many a darkroom over the
> years. It sits in a closet now I'm afraid.
> I hope you enjoy yours.
> ric
I got mine for chump change which I got to pay off slowly from a deserted
darkroom down the hall.

Which I moved into.
In 1977

Mark Rabiner
New York, NY

In reply to: Message from ricc at (Ric Carter) ([Leica] My darkroom bonanza!)