Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/04/07

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Subject: [Leica] Agfa APX-25 anybody ??
From: 5wheels at (Marc Morin)
Date: Sat Apr 7 17:15:10 2007
References: <>

Dear Dave,

I would be glad to try out a couple of rolls and let you know the  
results.  I will send you my address if you have film left over.

Marc A. Morin

On Apr 7, 2007, at 2:09 PM, David Freedman wrote:

> I was cleaning out my late mother's refrigerator a few days ago and  
> came
> across a stash of film in the vegetable crisper drawer.  Most of  
> the trove
> went straight to the garbage.  However, buried among the outdated  
> rolls of
> Velvia and Astia, I came across 30 rolls of Agfa APX-25, all dated  
> 07/2004.
> I recall the wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth when this  
> emulsion was
> discontinued so I elected not to toss it (yet) thinking someone on  
> this list
> might want to give it a try.  I'm offering the film up absolutely  
> FREE to
> anyone who like it. I certainly don't know if it's still good but I  
> do know
> it's been under refrigeration since I bought it.  Depending upon  
> interest, I
> might  elect to give 10 rolls to each of 3 people, 15 rolls to each  
> of two,
> or the works to one lucky respondent. The film and I are located in  
> New York
> but I'd be happy to mail it to its new home if necessary.
> Any takers?
> Dave F.
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In reply to: Message from dpfreedman at (David Freedman) ([Leica] Agfa APX-25 anybody ??)