Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/02/03

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Subject: [Leica] Lightroom & Bridge
From: heninger at (Wade Heninger)
Date: Sat Feb 3 10:37:59 2007

On 2/3/07 10:31 AM, "Eric" <> wrote:

>> That said, Bridge
>> 2.0/ACR 4.0 is a nice upgrade if you want to stick with a file browser 
>> and a
>> modal raw experience.
> Is that part of CS3?


>> The targeted adjustment feature is more than worth the upgrade
> That's being able to tweak the images in terms of color balance and 
> density?

In short, you enable TAT (Targeted Adjustment Tool) by clicking on the
target icon in Tone Curve & HSL/Color/Grayscale panes.  Then you click on
the tone you want to adjust and mouse up/down (or arrow key up down) to
adjust it.  LR knows which slider of the many apply and will adjust it - its
a nice way of local control of tonality.

TAT is covered here:

> With the Bridge/ACR from CS2, I've found myself able to get pleasing proofs
> without any manual work in PS itself.  I have a set of actions I run that 
> do
> basic tweaks for myself and result in a set of jpegs that I upload to my
> favorite printing house, and I'm set in terms of 4x6 proofs.

LR is just as fast at this as well.  No PS.

> I don't need a database for my photos.  I question how useful it would be,
> since the source photos are not in a static location.  Eventually, they get
> moved around to different hard drives.

LR can work from files in a folder too, not just importing it to a database.
If you do move it, it will ask where it moved to and then update the rest.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
w a d e  h e n i n g e r
u s e r  e x p e r i e n c e
a d o b e  s y s t e m s ,  i n c

Replies: Reply from ericm at (Eric) ([Leica] Lightroom & Bridge)
In reply to: Message from ericm at (Eric) ([Leica] Lightroom & Bridge)