Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/05/29

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Subject: [Leica] Furry PAWS
From: philippe.orlent at (Philippe Orlent)
Date: Mon May 29 13:20:27 2006
References: <>

Less blue via selective colors in the whites then?

Op 29-mei-06, om 22:01 heeft B. D. Colen het volgende geschreven:

> Thanks Philippe - wb is really, really tough on these two - shady  
> sunlight
> coming in from french doors, with mixed tungstun from an overhead  
> chandelier
> and sconces - to say nothing of the green walls, and the redish  
> brown of the
> mahogany table beneath the pure white cat...:-)
> On 5/29/06 3:55 PM, "Philippe Orlent" <>  
> wrote:
>> Give me 1 in color (with a slightly changed white balance - the cat
>> is a bit bluish) and 2 in B&W plz.
>> Second pose is best IMO.
>> Thanks for showing,
>> Philippe
>> Op 29-mei-06, om 21:29 heeft B. D. Colen het volgende geschreven:
>>> Okay - so color or black and white, one or two - I think I'm
>>> partial to two,
>>> black and white...but this is a tough one for me, particular in
>>> terms of
>>> color/bw; I think the bw makes for the far stronger image, but I
>>> like the
>>> colors
>>> and three that follow....
>>> Cat, tiny but no longer a kitten by any means, is Gray aka Sally
>>> Gray aka
>>> Baby Kitty aka Mona - don't ask - aka White Cat aka Devil Cat aka
>>> Kitty
>>> aka.. ;-)
>>> On 5/29/06 3:22 PM, "lkhermann" <> wrote:
>>>> At 12:50 PM 5/29/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>>>>> As World War II ended in Europe, General Hap Arnold and  
>>>>> aeronautical
>>>>> genius Dr. Theodore von Karman pondered ways to assure that other
>>>>> nations
>>>>> never got ahead of the United States in aeronautical and engine
>>>>> research
>>>>> to the extent that Germany had done in the 30s and 40s.  In June
>>>>> 1951,
>>>>> President Harry Truman dedicated the Air Engineering Development
>>>>> Center
>>>>> near Tullahoma, TN as a research and test center to pursue
>>>>> cutting edge
>>>>> developments for the U.S.  I was fortunate to go to work at the
>>>>> center two
>>>>> years later, and spent most of my career there, first, as an
>>>>> engineer
>>>>> completing and calibrating wind tunnel facilities, and, later in
>>>>> management.  Now known as the Arnold Engineering Development
>>>>> Center, it
>>>>> celebrated its 55th anniversary this past weekend with a  
>>>>> display of
>>>>> vintage and modern aircraft and an air show at the Tullahoma
>>>>> Regional
>>>>> Airport, itself built in the 1940s as a training base for B-24
>>>>> crews.
>>>>> I chose my Leica IIIf RD with a Jupiter 12 35mm f/2.8 lens as my
>>>>> primary
>>>>> camera for the static displays.  It was my first real effort with
>>>>> the
>>>>> J-12, and I was impressed with the results.  Having tried similar
>>>>> tasks
>>>>> with a 50mm in the past, I found that, when I backed up to  
>>>>> capture a
>>>>> complete aircraft image, too many visitors got between me and the
>>>>> subject.  The 35mm proved perfect for the assignment.
>>>>> Selected photos are listed below, with some slight adjustments,
>>>>> cropping,
>>>>> and resizing in PS.
>>>>> Comments and criticisms are welcomed.
>>>>> Jim Nichols
>>>>> Tullahoma, TN USA
>>>> Jim,
>>>>          Very nice airplanes and the lens did a great job with a
>>>> little
>>>> help from the photographer.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Lee
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Replies: Reply from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] Furry PAWS)
In reply to: Message from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Furry PAWS)