Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/03/22

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Subject: [Leica] (no subject)
From: tarek.charara at (Tarek Charara)
Date: Wed Mar 22 12:15:43 2006
References: <> <>

I don't know if this link has been posted, if yes - excuse the  


All the best from the south of France!


Tarek Charara

Le 22 mars 06 ? 20:06, Luis Miguel Casta?eda a ?crit :

> On 22/03/2006, at 18:56, wrote:
>> And what of the"other falling soldier" that was carried off before  
>> Garcia got his? Don't tell me, "it's just a flesh wound".
> According the original numeration from the contacts it seems that  
> Garcia got that first and suggest that the picture catching was  
> pure luck, the other was taken later, and presumably the gunshot  
> made him fell out of camera's sight, and that was way down. Mauser  
> bullets were quite powerful, the impact force used to throw bodies  
> a few steps away and even disengage members of those who took a  
> hit, as my grandfather - who had to fight - told many times.
>> Who could believe in the accuracy of  "war archives" from 1936 Spain?
> Well, let's accept that it will be a fake. Why two different and  
> independent war registrys (Madrid and Salamanca) will list him in  
> the same day and place that Capa stated ?  why the testimonials of  
> other unit members to their brother matches?
> You can believe or not, the evidences that we can have points  
> reasonably to their veracity, you're on your right to do not accept  
> it and have doubts, but please bring up evidences instead fiddling  
> about this or that without solid arguments instead suspects .
>> As long as we are discussing  credibility  look into the Spanish   
>> governments response to Gene Smith's */Spanish Village./*
> Mind you, I'm spanish but I won't take this as an offensive  
> statement, the same can be said about the US, the UK, France, the  
> former URSS and every single nation over this world, but please, at  
> least compare things that can be compared. That was a hurting time  
> in our story, our family ( me included) had 3 generation exile and  
> more than a handful family members killed in that war.
> Saludos
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In reply to: Message from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] (no subject))