Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/02/05

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Subject: [Leica] Ericspaw Week 3 Reckless Records
From: at (Douglas Sharp)
Date: Sun Feb 5 23:58:48 2006
References: <BAY104-F261370C8B4F98ECCDAB60FC70F0@phx.gbl> <>

Frank Dernie wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> If you like folk style guitar you may not know but may enjoy John  
> Renbourne or Bert Jansch records on Transatlantic. They also were  
> part of Pentangle. These are favourites of mine from the 60s which  
> you may not know.- 

Just about anything on the Transatlantic label was good - The 
Humblebums, Gerry Rafferty,Martin Carthy;Dave Swarbrick - one of my
absolute avourites of the time (noton transatlantic) was Pete Atkin - 
excellent music with poetic/satirical/cynical lyrics by Clive James.
The faintly wierd Incredible String Band is worth a listen too, but not 
to everyone's taste.
Rare to find, but brilliant, was Iain Matthews with Plainsong (after 
Matthews Southern Comfort), their debut record "In search of Amelia Earhart"
is a classic. And just about anything from John Martyn is good too.

> My favourite Frank Zappa record is Hot Rats, Jean-Luc Ponty plays  
> electric violin on a couple of tracks and there is a followup album  
> of Jean-Luc playing Zappa compositions, called King Kong.

Nice stuff, "Peaches en Regalia" was always my favourite.

> I like anything by "laughing" Lennie Cohen ;-) and Tori Amos. I have  
> all on CD and vinyl, where available.
> Your pictures have encouraged me to take my camera next time I go to  
> town and record a few things.
> Frank
> On 5 Feb, 2006, at 21:40, eric mac wrote:
>> Went to my favorite record store, Reckless Records.
>> Yes I stilll listen to vinyl.
>> A couple pictures inside the store.
>> Comments and vinyl recommendations welcome.
>> Eric
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In reply to: Message from ericspaw at (eric mac) ([Leica] Ericspaw Week 3 Reckless Records)
Message from Frank.Dernie at (Frank Dernie) ([Leica] Ericspaw Week 3 Reckless Records)