Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/01/10

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Subject: [Leica] Re: 2,8/15mm Zeiss Leica-M
From: jblack at (John Black)
Date: Tue Jan 10 08:56:55 2006
References: <> <>

> The issue is why this Yao character would impose his personal distaste for
> a List member on a List posting.  If Yao had meant for this to be a
> missive, then I would anticipate an immediate statement from him that his
> posting of this extremely crude tell-off to this fellow was meant for
> private communication.
> As Yao has not done so, he seems to want this to be viewed as his public
> persona.  If so, he must be a really prize jerk.
> HINT:  an apology to the List is in order.


A personal attack on one whom you do not know is beneath you.  The other
person involved in the exchange posted his statement first to the list a
while ago and, while not mentioning Joseph by name, referred to "a HK
dealer" leaving little to interpret.  Joseph is entitled to a public
rebuttal and you sir owe Dr. Yao a public apology for your remarks.

I know and have done business with Joseph for several years now both
photographic and medical and find him of the highest caliber.  You should
get to know him.


Replies: Reply from reid at (Brian Reid) ([Leica] Re: 2,8/15mm Zeiss Leica-M)
In reply to: Message from red735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] Re: 2,8/15mm Zeiss Leica-M)
Message from msmall at (Marc James Small) ([Leica] Re: 2,8/15mm Zeiss Leica-M)