Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/12/04

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Subject: [Leica] A quick - non-visual and painful reminder why Ishould always carry a camera.
From: bdcolen at (B. D. Colen)
Date: Sat Dec 4 14:22:00 2004

Probably true, Didier, probably true. Because I can't think of any time
I've had such a clean, clear plane window to shoot out of.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Didier Ludwig
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 4:10 PM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: Re: [Leica] A quick - non-visual and painful reminder why
Ishould always carry a camera.

Dont worry about that, B.D. - following Murphy's law, with a camera in
bag the sky would have been cloudy and the window scratched, and the
would have taken an earlier train.

>Coming back Friday evening I had a window seat in the rear of the plane

>and just at sundown missed one of the best 'wing shots' I've seen in 
>many a year - and I even had a clean, reflection-free window through 
>which to shoot. Sky and clouds an unearthly pink going to violet; last 
>of the sunlight turning the protrusions beneath the wings to pure gold;

>wing lights sharp and well defined; leading edge of the wing a pure 
>black, thin band. And no camera. Okay, the photo would have been a 
>clich?, but it might have been a good clich?. :-)
>As if that wasn't bad enough, while taking the subway home from the 
>airport, while I was waiting to switch trains I was surrounded by a 
>gaggle of young girls - mid-teens, laughing and chattering away, and 
>about two-thirds of them were wearing either gold or silver paper 
>tiaras spelling out the words Happy Birthday. It could have been a 
>killer b&w shot...But no camera.
>Back or no back, I have learned my lesson. :-(
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Replies: Reply from feli2 at (Feli di Giorgio) ([Leica] A quick - non-visual and painful reminder why Ishould always carry a camera.)
In reply to: Message from rangefinder at (Didier Ludwig) ([Leica] A quick - non-visual and painful reminder why I should always carry a camera.)