Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/08/21

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Subject: [Leica] Slightly OT my colorprinter died
From: dorysrus at (Don Dory)
Date: Sat Aug 21 07:24:35 2004

As I am in the same boat I will pass on the consensus:
If you are primarily printing B&W, like RC paper, and have no need to
print larger than 81/2X10 then the HP 7690 is the hot ticket.

If you want to print color and or want to print on matte paper then the
longest lasting inks are with the Epson R800, again maximum print size
of 81/2X11.

If you do not need long print life (10-20 years is OK) and B&W is not a
high priority then the Canon 9900I is a truly fine printer up to A4

If you want really long print life, prints up to A4, with some hassle
truly fine B&W and a truly immense range of papers available then the
Epson 2200 is the hot ticket.

No, I haven't spent money yet but I am tending to the R800 as I believe
that the 2200 will be replaced at Photokina with a printer that has both
black inks on board so switching to B&W from color will not be a pain.
The R800 has both on board so for a year I can probably stay under 8X10.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf
Of H?kan Dennersten
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 8:40 AM
To: 'Leica Users Group'
Subject: [Leica] Slightly OT my colorprinter died

My Epson 1290 died today, so i guess it's time for a new
is there a general consensus of which is the best one to buy now ? 


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Replies: Reply from abridge at (Adam Bridge) ([Leica] Slightly OT my colorprinter died)
In reply to: Message from hd at (HÃ¥kan Dennersten) ([Leica] Slightly OT my colorprinter died)