Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/07/12

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Subject: [Leica] Digital M
From: grduprey at (
Date: Mon Jul 12 12:06:47 2004


I'd take another M6TTL any day over the MP.  I've tried 3 MPs in the stores
and have yet to figure out why I would buy one.  The retro theme does
nothing for me and I sure don't want to use a knob for rewinding, nor do I
like the old smaller shutter dial.  I've had the mod made to my finder,
cheaper than a new MP.  So the MP has nothing I want, that the M6TTL
doesn't already have.  Well, I would like the Leica Script on the top.
Hey!  I can get that added after the new year. ;-)  Now an M7 is another
matter, I could see myself buying one of those.  At least it is an upgrade
from the M6TTL.


|         |           "B. D. Colen" <>        |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |                                                        |
|         |           07/12/2004 12:24 PM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
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  |       To:       "'Leica Users Group'" <>              
  |       cc:                                                                
  |       Subject:  RE: [Leica] Digital M                                    

I have to say I'm getting a real kick out of all this speculation, and
suggestion, about the wonderfully innovative, really exciting things
Leica could do in digital. Innovative? Exciting? I can only think of two
truly exciting, innovative things Leica EVER did - introduce the O, and
put TTL metering in a rangefinder. And we all know how well that latter
innovation went over. :-)

B. D.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Adam Bridge
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 1:10 PM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: Re: [Leica] Digital M

I keep wondering if there is a way for Leica to break the technology
loop of tossing out the whole camera when the next model come out with
higher pixel density...blah blah blah.

If they could devise a modular design then you could buy the current
camera body/sensor and in the future send the camera back to have the
new electronics replaced. The body surely won't be worn out unless it's
plastic crap.

It's easier for an electronics company to do this - but in the long-term
Leica needs to become a lens and sensor-mount company and find a model
that doesn't involve redesign every two years of an entire camera.

They could, of course, still make insanely great, and insanely
expensive, lenses and eventually they'd have the back that could make as
full a use of them as film currently can...or more.


On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 10:30:18 -0600, John Collier <>
> Nope, just a different frameline mask set.
> John Collier
> On Jul 12, 2004, at 8:50 AM, Frank Farmer wrote:
> > On the digital M, wouldn't that require a new viewfinder too?
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Replies: Reply from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Digital M)