Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/05/19

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Subject: [Leica] Worst flaming on the lug ....
From: reid at (Brian Reid)
Date: Wed May 19 09:25:20 2004
References: <>

> which brought to mind this merciless pounding I got once when I'd
> said f 1.0 was only 1/2 stop faster than f 1.4

If you're using Metric stops, then f/1 is indeed a full stop faster than f/1.4. We all know that. But few people know that in the older and more stately Imperial system, you have to go all the way to f/1.71828 to be a full stop slower, and that although f/1.414 is the mathematically correct halfway point in Imperial units, it is usually abbreviated as f/1.4.

So you were both right.

Replies: Reply from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] Worst flaming on the lug ....)
In reply to: Message from KCassidy at (Kyle Cassidy) ([Leica] Worst flaming on the lug ....)