Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/05/03

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Subject: [Leica] photo dealers on the LUG
From: grduprey at (
Date: Mon May 3 07:12:21 2004

I will have to echo Kits words here.  A dealer who spends the time to
create a customer is by far the most important part of the purchase.  I
also prefer to support local dealers when possible.  Unfortunately here in
Small Town USA - Cedar Rapids, I have no Leica Dealer, My wife likes that
part of living here ;-).  When I went to purchase my M6TTL I did not know
of Kit or Rich and purchased it from Calumet, they had the equipment.
Since then I found the LUG and along with it I found Kit and Rich, and
several others.  I have purchased form Rich, and I'm sure I will buy from
Kit at some time in the future.  Both have spent the time helping me with
various items and are at the top of my list for future purchases.


|         |           "Kit McChesney" <>         |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |                                                        |
|         |           05/01/2004 11:34 AM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
|         |                                                        |
  |                                                                                         |
  |       To:       "'Leica Users Group'" <>                             |
  |       cc:                                                                               |
  |       Subject:  RE: [Leica] photo dealers on the LUG                                    |

Brian et al--

Thanks for the note about dealers. I am one of those, and I would count
myself among the ethical and helpful, and competitive in terms of pricing,
within reasonable (and ethical) bounds.

As for "cheap," that word makes me cringe. If "cheap" is the determining
factor in making a purchasing decision, then "caveat emptor" should go
with it. You usually get exactly what you pay for. If you want "cheap,"
you'll probably get very little in terms of support, service, a close
relationship with a dealer, and a dealer who will be around for the long

It is my daily experience that the Leica client usually is one who doesn't
mind paying a fair price for the product. In fact, most of my clients will
discourage me from doing too much wheeling and dealing, because it seems to
cheapen (there's that ugly word "cheap" again) the relationship. They know
that paying a fair price supports the dealer who has helped them to
understand and use the product, and will be there down the line, in the
haul, to support him or her when the time comes. Fully half of my clients
are first-time Leica buyers, and they appreciate that I am able to spend
lots of time (hours and hours on the phone, and maybe weeks in making a
decision) to help them figure out exactly what they need (and want!).

Most of the really good authorized dealers who have been around for a long
time follow this kind of business practice. Those who will only compete on
price will have nothing to offer but "cheap," and probably not much else.
Usually if it seems to good to be true, it probably is.


Kit (

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brian
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 9:20 AM
Subject: [Leica] photo dealers on the LUG

I'd like to remind LUGgers that there are several top-notch and reliable
photo dealers on the LUG. For whatever reason (perhaps his location in
Manhattan), Rich Pinto is the one we talk about the most, but there are
others that, as far as I know, are as ethical and as helpful and as cheap.

Yes, I know there are some dealers who use the LUG only to post for-sale
announcements, but don't forget the ones who are among us and make

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Replies: Reply from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] photo dealers on the LUG)