Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/04/30

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Subject: [Leica] Re: Photo Village's move is a good sign
From: joecodi at (Joseph Codispoti)
Date: Fri Apr 30 15:15:23 2004

-----Original Message-----
One can still sell high end film cameras, but it's the rare,
rare dealer who isn't shoving the digital stuff out the door these days
to support the film habit. ;-)

B. D.

In the local pro shop the sale of digital is 80% vs. 20% for film.
The only professional color lab has closed its doors and taken the fairly
modern equipment to the salvage dump; no one wanted it.
A friend's high quality 1-hour lab is closing its doors.
The only labs left are in drug and grocery stores and they print mostly in

Just as Daguerreotype, albumen, etc. film will be around for a long time but
I predict that in ten years it will be as popular as its predecessors. Why?
Digital is improving exponentially while Kodak has abandoned film research. 

As for the longevity of digital media, I have no doubts that in a short
time, that too will surpass film. 
It has taken thousand of years to invent the airplane and only 70 more reach
the moon. We cannot even dream of what will be here in a few years but it
will not be film.

I may appear to be a pessimist. In reality I am a realist and advocate for


In reply to: Message from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Re: Photo Village's move is a good sign)