Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/04/18
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Yuppie line jumpers do what people let them get away with - it isn't so hard to say, "take your ass to the back of the line and wait your turn, just like the rest of us." 98% of these people are used to getting away with this type of crap because people let them. Anyone who is so spineless that they can't say no to such obnoxious behavior deserves what they get. As for the other 2%, they may get snotty about it, but so what? Is our society so far gone that the overriding rule has become "biggest prick gets right of way??" As far as healthy people taking the handicapped spots, they are just scumbags. Too bad the police don't enforce the handicapped parking zones. Last I heard, it was a law, not a suggestion. Jon <> wrote: "My experience has been that Starbuck's service is indifferent and impersonal at best and downright condescending or rude at worst. This, I believe, is typical of businesses where the personnel is either untrained or poorly trained. Starbuck is a trendy hangout where the trendy are more welcome than the average. I patronize businesses where I am treated like a human being, not a walking wallet. Joe" I am not a Starbuck's fan, but I have never experienced anything but great service at any of their outlets. Trendy hang-out? I lived in as about a trendy area as can be imagined San Jose, CA. The usual crowd at the Hamilton Ave. location would include a cluster of students discussing problems in one corner, housewives with babies enjoying a cup with friends, a couple of homeless guys (with their shopping carts outside) getting some warmth. Then their was always the "Yuppie" who would drive up in his/her Hummer or Ford Exploder, park in the handicap space and walk in the store cell phone in hand talking loud enough that Helen Keller wouldn't miss a word and yes they were always in a hurry and would anyone mind if they went to the front of the line? I had a client last week that is a Starbuck's manager....she is well compensated. She told me all about the different employee benefits....impressive! It is a good outfit to work for, someplace unlike Golden Arches, Starbucks does offer a career. The biggest gripe I have heard about Starbucks is whether or not their coffee is "Fair Traded" She said that Starbuck's makes every effort to assure they are buying Fair Trade. We have a local roaster here in Olympia Batdorf & Bronson that has spectacular coffee! She said she loved their coffee too but then Batdorf could buy the exceptional small productions. Starbucks had to buy sufficient beans for 20,000 locations _______________________________________________ Leica Users Group. See for more information --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25ยข