Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/01/21

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Darkroom Survey
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 20:25:34 +0100
References: <> <>

Still have my darkroom stuff with an ancient Durst D 659 that can handle 
up to 6 x 9 but never find time to use it

All pictures except an occasional digital snapshot is with film cameras

Film cameras are Fuji 680, Hasselblad 500 CM and SWC, 2 x Canon Eos and 
Leica M6 and for softer images and fun old cameras like Zeisss Ikon, 
Rollei TLR, Olympus Pen and stuf like that. I dont like the EOS cameras 
but they are strong tools and have never let my down.

I scan my pictures for web on Micotek and Mirage scanners and pictures 
for pro-use i have my slides scanned on a heidelberg drum scanner.

70 % color slides agfa RSX II - 20 % Agfa Scala BW and 10% Agfapan APX BW

Im currently looking at the Imacon Ixpress back and The Imacon scanner 
but Im still not convinced so as long as Im not forced into digital i 
will stay on film - I would not like to sell of any of my cameras 
because they cover my needs in a good way.

DKhong wrote:

> Friends
> In 1999, we participated in a darkroom survey that allowed each LUGger 
> to list their "traditional" darkroom equipment e.g. enlarger, lens, 
> B&W or colour, etc. More than 100 of us who responded were using 
> traditional darkrooms to produce their images.
> Perhaps it might be worthwhile to do another survey in light of the 
> digital revolution. May I suggest that this survey address the following:
> 1. Traditional darkroom only   /  Traditional darkroom plus digital 
> darkroom
> 2. If both, in what proportion.
> If none of the above,
> 3. Using film cameras only / Both film and digital
> 4. If both, in what proportion
> I will appreciate your participation. To get the ball rolling, I will 
> be the first respondent.
> Dan K
> -- 
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In reply to: Message from "Slobodan Dimitrov" <> (Re: [Leica] Baryta prints)
Message from DKhong <> (Re: [Leica] Darkroom Survey)