Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/12/11

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Subject: Re: [Leica] see what happens when you stay home from work?
From: "Barney Quinn" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 19:24:07 -0500
References: <b02000301-1031-1AF7C1812C3211D8AB91000393D465D8@[]>

I think this image should concern all who see it for several reasons, probably
the most important of which is that it isn't at all a good thing that scenes
like this are all too often necessary. As I said in another post, the person
who is being arrested ( I presume that is what is happening here ) could
perhaps be a serial killer. I certrainly don't know. It may well be that he is
being treated far more gently than he deserves. I have no way of knowing that,
and it doesn't matter.

For me this image becomes a metaphor which sunnarizes several of the threads
which we have had on the lug of late. What is truly obscene? The clothes on
pornography which Kyle posted or the scene these people are engaging it? I
don't for a moment question the necessity for public safety. I am glad that we
have people who are willing to protect us. But, I also think that we live in a
time and place where things are becomming far more heavy handed than they need
to be, and where scenes like this one are being acted out far more frequently
than should be necessary. For me Kyle's image, in a way I can't clearly
articulate, gets to an important part of what art is about. It is about the
power to transform and crystalize.  It points to a change. What if those
officers had been white? This image is very much about class and power.

I have been on the wrong end of police harrasment. Things could come to the
point where it could be me being hussled off that way. I don't for a moment
think that being white. male, and law abiding is any kind of protection. If
you, or anyone else, thinks that this image depicts something which we should
celebrate, that's fine. Just count me among the ranks of those who are
concerned by it. I think that we live in a society which is becomming
increasingly polarized, where the rift between rich and poor is widening by the
minute, and where force and punishment are replacing dialogue and debate.

If I continue this will become a real rant. Kyle's image of the black person
being overpowered by black police officers got me thinking about a lot of
things in a way that a newspaper article can't or doesn't. That is something
which I think art is very much about.



Adam Bridge wrote:

> On 2003-12-11 (Barney Quinn) thoughtfully wrote:
> >
> >Excellent, dramatic, and moving shot. This picture really scares me, and I
> think
> >that it should give chills to anyone who looks at it.
> >
> Why?
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In reply to: Message from Adam Bridge <> (Re: [Leica] see what happens when you stay home from work?)