Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/09/11
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Jorge M. Treviño showed: Subject: [Leica] PAW week 37 > > > Comments much appreciated.<<< Hi Jorge, Comment as asked. ;-) My gut feeling is you missed the magical moment because the main action is all over!:-( In other words the lady selling the corn bread is finished with the transaction and what you missed was ... her looking up, eyes open and in communication with the lady buying. It's all over mon ami and in this case you blew the timing of the interesting action and merely have a wasted piece of film. When you're shooting in the future here's a few things to keep in mind................... LIGHT -- EYES -- ACTION -- If you make them work for you in this order you'll have a 99.9 % success rate! :-) regards, ted Ted Grant Photography Limited "DOCTORS' WORK" book ..... Samples from the Women in Medicine project: - -- To unsubscribe, see