Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/07/10
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]At 10:06 AM 7/10/03 -0400, Don Dory wrote: >I see no reason to venture into the indifferent >quality control of Soviet lenses when 135 lenses from Canon or Nikon are >widely available for not much more. ======================= Don Camon and Nikon lenses seem to trade at about four to seven times as much as do Jupiter-11's. And I have yet to hear a single qualtity-contol issue involving a Jupiter-11. Marc FAX: +540/343-7315 Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir! - -- To unsubscribe, see