Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/06/28

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Subject: Re: [Leica] OT: Just went MF, need scanner advice
From: "Christopher Williams" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 20:47:07 -0500
References: <r01050300-0921-7B4DAFFFA7BF11D7A33A1C00AD7E9FEF@[]>

Yes, the 3200 does not scan 35mm well. Sharpness is a big problem. The most
I've managed to get is a okay 8x10 from 35mm. For MF and 4x5, grain and
sharpness is excellent.


- ----- Original Message -----
From: "George Lottermoser" Subject: Re: [Leica] OT: Just went MF, need
scanner advice

> Thanks for responding Christopher,
> Of course I will continue to scan 35 with the ss4000, and I agree with you
that when scanning 4x5, 5x7, or 8x10 the 1600 and 2450 seem to produce very
useable scans. However, with my xPan frames, the scanners fall short. I can
slip the xpan films into the ss4000 and see the real sharpness of the frame,
then compare it to the flatbed scans - very disappointing comparison.
> So, for me the test is, can you achieve sharp grain in your scans on the
> I assume, when you say, łI donąt recommend the 3200 for 35mm˛ itąs
because, indeed, you cannot achieve grain sharpness; correct?
> Fond regards,
> G e o r g e   L o t t e r m o s e r

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In reply to: Message from George Lottermoser <> (Re: [Leica] OT: Just went MF, need scanner advice)