Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/07/11

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Subject: Re: [Leica] airport security kinda really long. ;-)
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 22:53:15 -0400
References: <>

At 12:20 PM 7/11/02 -0700, Bryan Caldwell wrote:
>Check your U.S. Supreme Court cases where Texas attempted to deny public
>schooling to the children of illegal immigrants or the federal appellate
>court assessment of California's Prop. 187 where a state initiative
>attempted to deny numerous public services to illegal immigrants. I'll find
>the cites for you if you'd like.

The Texas case involved US-born children of illegal immigants and the
reasoning is based on the US native-born citizenship of the kids.

I am not familiar with the Federal Circuit ruling on Proposition 187 but,
then, anything at all which comes out of California is too weird to have
much application in the real United States.

My secretary does extensive work with illegal immigrants and brought to my
attention the requirement that students admitted to any institute of higher
education receiving federal funding (all but three or four religious
schools) must provide proof of citizenship or legal immigrant status at the
time of matriculation.  Similarly, such proof is a condition for receiving
financial aid if any Federal money is included.  And Congress mandated five
or six years back that no Federal aid (welfare) monies were to be given to
those who cannot establish citizenship or legal immigrant status.

The legal theory behind this is the principle that those who have obtained
legal admission into the US must be accorded full due process rights but
that those who have not done so are only allowed the barest of criminal
protections.  In other words, the legal rights of someone attempting to
swim across the Rio Grande but apprehended in the process are identical to
the rights of someone who successfully makes the trip and then gets caught
in, say, Liberal, Kansas.

Marc  FAX:  +276/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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