Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/05/27

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Subject: RE: [Leica] Re: Darkroom in a manufactured home
From: "B. D. Colen" <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 15:26:51 -0400

No, Mark, as the person who began the discussion about darkrooms noted, I
asked a perfectly valid question - Why, in this day and age, start putting
in a darkroom?

That's not saying my way is the only way - it is of course, implying that my
way is the sensible way...or even the most sensible way. But then I know
that neither you nor Allan would ever do anything like that.;-)

And, yes, I know about tongs - those things clearly designed to make
darkroom work even more slow and awkward.

B. D.

- -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Marc James
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 3:04 PM
Subject: RE: [Leica] Re: Darkroom in a manufactured home

At 12:36 PM 5/27/02 -0400, B. D. Colen wrote:
>Basically, forgive me for not see the world precisely as you do - for that
>obviously make me and the countless people who see the world as I do lame.

The problem with this statement, BD, is that you were the one who, once
again, posted a message saying that your way was the only way.  Many of us
do like chemical darkroom work, and so be it;  many of us do not, and so be
it.  It is a large and varied universe, thank heavens, and there is room
for your approach and for mine and for those of all of the others on this
List.  There simply is not, in this case, ONE proper way to do things.

And, in any event, you will be most pleased to learn that they have now
introduced a device, called "tongs", to ensure that your fingers remain
pristine ....

Marc  FAX:  +276/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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