Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2000/11/15

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Subject: [Leica] Leica Newsletter 11/15/00: Chat, Oskar Barnack Award, Leica Medal of Excellence
From: Leica Camera Newsletter <>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 16:01:13 +0100

Dear Leica friends,

These are the topics for today's newsletter:
- - Tips for hosted chats
- - Advertisement for the Oskar Barnack Award
- - Advertisement for the Leica Medal of Excellence

- - Chat topics:

Many of you have already noticed: In addition to the highly 
frequented Customer-Forum, a link to a chat can be found 
in the Leica forum. As of yet this has not been opened, 
which has caused individual criticism in the forum. There is 
a reason for this.

Before we ask you to submit your chat topics, we would like 
to convey our perceptions of this chat:
We wish to hold hosted sessions in this chat. This means 
that the chat will be open during specified times and topics 
will be prior set. This makes it possible for competent 
contact persons from Leica to be in the chat, in order to 
give qualified answers to your questions.

We have naturally gathered ideas, as to what topics would 
be interesting for these sessions. Your opinions are the 
deciding factor. Please utilize our forum, to hold 
discussions over the possible topics for a chat. We will 
follow these discussions and the results will be posted in 
our Event-Planning.

The forum can be found under:

- - Oskar Barnack Award - New competition for 2001

Magnum photographer Luc Delahaye has won the Leica 
Oskar Barnack Award 2000 for his photoreportage 
8interreise' (A Winter's Journey).  Mainly known for his 
photographic documentation of the world's trouble spots, 
Delahaye crossed Russia from Moscow to Vladivostok for 
this particular project. The pictures of the award-winning 
cycle were taken far away from the privileged centers in the 
outer districts of the towns he visited and powerfully show 
the human misery resulting from the country's inner 

Leica Camera AG will be holding an international Leica 
Oskar Barnack Award competition again in 2001. 
Professional photographers are invited to enter individual 
photographs or series of up to 12 pictures which vividly 
reflect their keen perception of the relationship of man and 
his environment. 

The closing date is January 31, 2001.

Additional information:

Entry form:

Award winning pictures:

- - Leica Medal of Excellence

Collaborating for the second time with the Leica Gallery in 
New York, Leica Camera AG, Solms is now organizing 
another international Leica Medal of Excellence competition 
for professional photographers for 2001. It consists of a 
photography competition and - for the first time - a Lifetime 
Achievement Award based on nominations by the members 
of the jury. The photography award is worth EURO 5,000 or 
a Leica camera of the same value. The winning pictures will 
be presented together with the Lifetime Achievement 
Award exhibition in the Leica Gallery in New York. The 
awards will be presented at the opening ceremony of this 

The closing date is January 31, 2001.

Additional information:

Entry form:

With best regards,

Leica Camera AG
Marketing Communication


Do you have friends, colleagues or acquaintances who 
might also be interested in this service? If so, please 
forward this communication to them, or kindly alert them to 
the free subscription service at the following address:

You will receive this mail if you have entered your name on 
the distribution list offered by Leica Camera AG on the 
internet. If your mailing address changes, or if you wish to 
re-subscribe or cancel your free subscription, you can find 
the appropriate instructions at the following site:

If you have questions or suggestions concerning Leica 
Camera AG offerings, please sent us an e-mail.

Leica Newsletter v1.2