Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/01/02
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]G'day all, I'm posting part of this from the other day to see how many started their 365 of one a day photos of the last year of the millineum: <<<<<Here's one that's an interesting challenge for every LUG member and there are "NO EXCUSES" for not doing it! Unless, like Rip van Winkle, you intend on sleeping for the next 365 days.:) Starting to-day, as day 1 of the New Year, take your Leica, no matter what model, version, year or lens and swear an oath to take ___one meaningful__ picture everyday for the next 365! This time in one year, that's not long after you've put in 70. :) You'll have a record of the final year of the millineum. It can make a major exhibition for those inclined in that direction, it might even make a book for others. However what it will be, is a visual time capsule of your family, friends and general life during this year. >>>>>>>>>> =================== So OK fess-up. How many actually started? I have a B&W twilight zone of boats and lights reflected in water, shot with a Noctilux and a second choice of a full moon reflecting a moon beam across the ocean. It took me all of 5 minutes on the way to a friend's last evening and the moon beam from their living room window. See how easy it can be. What's for today? Who knows, but before the stroke of midnight I'll have one.:) When we read all the posts about "street photographers" we have on the LUG this little fun project should be a piece of cake. Or don't you go on the street every day ? gee I hope I don't stand alone, as I figure it's a fun quick shoot thing for people to use that wonderful Leica hardware. :) And how much more simple an assignment project to take pictures do you want? I'm sure there are some who will say: ...."what is there to shoot every day?" ......... Simple, it's only limited by your ability to see! And if you don't get the camera in hand, you'll not see anything, nor do anything. Give it a try. hell you only have 364 days to go. :) ted Ted Grant This is Our Work. The Legacy of Sir William Osler.