Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1997/07/15

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Subject: Re: R Lens Choices
From: Jim Brick <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 17:24:42 -0700

At 07:37 PM 7/15/97 EDT, you wrote:
>It is some awesome when you look through that 15 and then start your
>running wild as the images just blow clients and yourself away.
>What I do with mine often is use it shooting promotion material for
resorts and
>high roller resturants without any extra lighting than the existing interior
>light. Man the perspective and end results just blow people away. I refer
to it
>as using my "special magic lens!"
>Now if I could only figure out a way to charge more for using it, it would be
>But it sure is a wonder lens if used well and imaginatively.:) Probably
one of
>the best Leica buys I ever made.

It truly is one of my favorite lenses. The fact that if you are careful and
keep it level, the picture doesn't reflect the fact that it's a 15mm lens.
Basically no distortion. People wonder how you got so much on one frame. I
photographed a Sunday concert at Stern Grove in SFO. The place is fairly
small, but with the 15, it looked like a sea of people that went on
forever, which is the perspective I wanted. And the people in the
foreground were not distorted (wide heads, etc.) It really is an amazing
piece of glass! I love it! Awesome!
